
Antique rugs from the Orient are gaining increasing popularity in our fast-paced era, and rightfully so, as they represent tradition and durability. With ages of 80 years or more, rugs of antique quality serve as impressive snapshots of times long past.

Often adorned with patterns no longer woven in the present day, they carry a unique charm. If you intend to buy a rug as an investment, consult with our sales experts.

The world's oldest known antique rug is the Pazyryk Carpet, discovered in 1949 by Russian archaeologists in the frozen tombs of Scythian leaders in Siberia. The Pazyryk Carpet attests to the existence of advanced carpet weaving as early as the 5th century BCE.

These ancient rugs were crafted by skilled rural and nomadic weavers, drawing inspiration from natural elements, plants, and animals. The fibers of these antique rugs are sourced from nature, and natural colors were used to dye the fibers of these carpets.

Types of Antique Rugs

It is important to note that each type of antique rug has unique characteristics. The first characteristic is that the antique rug must be handwoven. Regardless of how old a machine-made rug may be, if it is not handwoven, it holds little value.

The second thing you need to know about this type of rugs is that antique rugs are very old, but not every old rug can be considered an antique rug.

Antique rugs are categorized into three general categories based on their age:

• Vintage Rugs:

Handwoven rugs are supposed to be between 30 and 50 years old.

• Semi-Antique Rugs:

Handwoven rugs are between 50 and 100 years old, although some rug experts estimate these rugs to be between 50 and 70 years old.

• Antique Rugs:

Handwoven rugs that are older than 100 years are referred to as antique rugs.



Use of Antique Rugs

An antique and old rug can add elegance and a special impact to your space. Its intricate patterns and designs are truly captivating. While an antique rug may be old, its beauty is timeless. Regardless of the style you seek for a vintage rug, investing in a vintage rug is worth the high costs and maintenance.

Vintage and antique rugs are timeless, luxurious, and often complement contemporary and modern interiors. Each rug is a truly unique piece of history and can create an interesting contrast in modern and contemporary spaces.

You might wonder if the antique rug holds value. The older your rug is, the more valuable it becomes. In fact, some rug dealers in the past refrained from selling new rugs and waited several years for the rug to age over time, ensuring a higher selling price.

Chemical washing, fading, and rug repairs can diminish the value of your rug. Due to the high monetary value of antique rugs, careful selection and diligent care are essential.

Benefits of Using Antique Rugs

An antique rug is not only a visual delight for your interior but simultaneously an investment. As the old rug is used more and ages, its value increases. If you are someone who values the classic beauty of your interior, an antique rug is a very good option.

The use of an antique rug helps absorb allergens and prevents them from circulating in the air, a crucial point for allergy sufferers. So, if you or your family suffer from allergies, an antique rug can help alleviate allergy symptoms.

How to Clean Old and Antique Rugs

The frequency of cleaning and vacuuming your rug depends on the room where you place it. However, remember to periodically check your antique rugs to see if dust has accumulated. To determine if a rug is dirty, lift it from one corner and give the back of the rug a vigorous kick.

If a cloud of dust emerges from the rug, it's a sign that your rug needs cleaning. Nevertheless, a small amount of dust in the rug is usually considered normal, and for this reason, there is no cause for serious concern.

To maintain rugs, consumers should use anti-stain sprays on new and freshly cleaned rugs. Vacuuming twice a week prevents the accumulation of dirt and particles that can damage the rug fibers. Immediate removal of stains increases the likelihood of complete stain removal. A thorough cleaning twice a year extends the life of the rug.

To wash the antique rug, first vacuum each side thoroughly to remove dust completely. Then, wash the rug with shampoo and rinse it thoroughly with cold water. You can use a soft brush or another cleaning tool that is not too harsh.

Wash the antique rug gently to avoid damage, remembering not to rub with pressure, as this can seriously damage the rug and render your efforts futile.

Next, while rubbing the edges of the rug, begin washing and cleaning the rug thoroughly once again. Afterward, squeeze out the excess water from the rug.

Then, place the rug in a suitable location with adequate ventilation and sunlight for drying. You can also use a regular drying room, but this type of drying takes some time.

However, our advice is not to spread your antique rugs in crowded places like hallways. Another thing to note with antique and vintage rugs is to rotate your rug at least once a year so that all areas of the rug withstand the same wear and tear.



Purchase of Antique and Vintage Carpets

Antique carpets encompass various features related to quality, design, texture, and materials used. Additionally, antique carpets reflect quality and cultural authenticity. The value of a carpet is determined by various factors.

One of the most common considerations is knot density, referring to the number of knots per square inch or its unit of measurement. However, even when considering the utilitarian aspect of the carpet, many antique carpets are reasonably priced.

The weaving process of even a small carpet can take several months, requiring a minimum of 7 to 8 hours of weaving per day. If you decide to invest in an antique carpet, pay attention to the brand of the carpet manufacturer and carefully read the specifications of the carpet.

In general, handwoven carpets from Qom, Maragheh, Zanjan, Mashhad, Tabriz, Nomadic, Bakhtiari, as well as Qashqai carpets (Oriental carpets) exhibit good quality in terms of texture, fibers, and layout.

Price of Antique Carpets

If you're wondering why carpets are so expensive, you need to take the time to consider what goes into making a handwoven carpet. You've probably heard the saying that the price is higher the more footprints are on the carpet. Antique carpets also exhibit this characteristic due to their age, and their prices increase daily as they age.


If you're planning to purchase an antique carpet as an investment, it's better to choose carpets that are older than 30 years, as they possess two characteristics: firstly, carpets older than 30 years have not yet reached their peak price, and secondly, they are not classified as antique carpets yet.

Frequently Asked Questions about antique Carpets:

1. What is an antique Carpet?
antique carpets are currently among the most popular types of Iranian carpets. They are often referred to as antique handwoven carpets because they have a long history yet possess exceptional beauty.

2. How is the purchase of antique Carpets conducted?
antique handwoven carpets generally have very high monetary value. These carpets exhibit exceptional colors, designs, and beauty, which is why the buying and selling of antique carpets never diminishes in popularity.

3. How is the sale of antique Carpets conducted? is one of the online centers for selling antique carpets in Germany, offering various types of antique carpets to customers.